miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2005

Cuando el soldado decide decir la verdad / When the soldier decides to say the truth ! ! !

Un día el soldado decidió dar rienda suelta a su locura. Enamorado en su momento el soldado decide abandonar su campamento e irse a dormir al campamento del guerrero. Esperó que llegara la noche, estuvieran dormidos sus generales y al menor descuido el soldado partió “sin rumbo”.

Al llegar al lugar donde lo esperaba su guerrero, el soldado escondió su caballo en un lugar seguro. Luego, juntos se decidieron en un abrazo ir la campamento secreto y esperar el amanecer por primera vez en aquello que ellos denominaban ”noviazgo”. La noche transcurrió entre besos, caricias, palabras de amor y los sonidos de la naturaleza. El soldado a pesar de estar escapado de su campamento y refugiado en el se de su guerrero, se sentía muy seguro en los brazos de él.

Como quien presiente algo, el soldado abrió los ojos y a lo lejos escuchaba la corneta de su campamento… sonar. Allí supo que era por su escape. Se volteo y con un beso en la frente despertó a su amado. Los dos sentían el miedo cuando se sabe que las cosas no están bien hechas. En un momento el soldado tomó la decisión de irse y enfrentar a sus generales.

Mientras tanto, en el campamento su mejor amigo era interrogado por el lugar donde se encontraba el soldado a lo cual su amigo respondió con mentiras para encubrir a su amigo quien debía estar con su enamorado. Al llegar el soldado al campamento era esperado por sus generales. Tomo aire y con su cabeza en alto continuo su camino… hasta la tienda donde era esperado. Al llegar allí el soldado tuvo que responder a muchas preguntas y cuestionamientos, sus generales decepcionados por su conducta se preguntaban en que habían fallado sus maestros, algunos decían que la educación en el amor que recibió el soldado fue errada. Un general se atrevió a decir que lo que el sentía por su guerrero era cuestión de no haber probado suficiente con las bellas doncellas que lo cortejaban. A lo cual el soldado respondió con un gesto de rabia: “creo que lo que siento en la actualidad es verdadero amor, y si, es por un guerrero”. Los generales decidieron reunir a un grupo de soldados con el único propósito de buscar al guerrero y llevarlo a la cárcel.

Durante una junta de guerra, que duro todo el día, el soldado les expreso a sus generales todo lo que el sentía y había hecho por su guerrero, los generales le dijeron sus pensamientos al respecto y dictaron una serie de acciones que el soldado debería cumplir de ahora en adelante. Al final del día, el soldado y el guerrero en un acto de locura más, se hablaron y juntos tomaron la decisión de seguir luchando por su amor a pesar de lo vivido en el día de hoy.

Este capitulo esta escrito con mucho cariño para ti babe, porque era algo que quería narrar en una forma en la que el amor estuviera frente a las palabras y situaciones.


When the soldier decides to say the truth ! ! !

A day the soldier decided to give loose rein to his madness. In loved at his moment the soldier decides to leave his camping and to go away to sleep to the camping of the warrior. He hoped that the night arrived, were slept his generals and to the smaller negligence the soldier left "without course".

When arriving at the place where he waited for his soldier to it, the soldier hid his horse in a safe place… soon together they were decided in a hug to go the secret camping and to wait for the dawn for first time in what they denominated "engagement". The night passed between kisses, caresses, words of love and the sounds of the nature. The soldier in spite of being saved of his camping and refugee in of his warrior, felt very surely in the arms of him.

Like who has a feeling something, the soldier was on the aware and the distant spot he listened to the bugle of his camping… sound. There he knew that it was by his escape. I turn around and with a kiss in the forehead he woke up to his loved. Both of them felt the fear when one knows that the things well are not done. In a while the soldier took the decision to go away and to face his generals.

Meanwhile, in the camping his best friend was interrogated by the place where was the soldier to which his friend responded with lies to conceal his friend who had to be with his loved. When the soldier at the camping arrived was waited by his generals. Took some air and with his head up continuous his way… until the camp where he was awaited. When arriving the soldier had there to respond to many questions and requires, their generals disappointed by their conduct asked in which had failed his teachers, some said that the education in the love that received the soldier it was been mistaken. A general dared to say that what felt by its soldier was question of not to have proven sufficient with beautiful girls who courted him. To which the soldier responded with a rage gesture: "I believe that what I feel at the present time is true love, and if, it is by a warrior". The generals decided to reunite a group of soldiers with the only intention to look for the warrior and to take him to the jail.

During one he joins military, that lasts all the day, the soldier express to his generals everything what he felt and he had done by his warrior, the generals said their thoughts on the matter to him and dictated a series of actions that the soldier would have to fulfill from now on. At the end of the day, the soldier and the warrior in a madness act more, were spoken and together they took the decision to continue fighting by his love in spite of the lived thing in today.

This I capitulate this writing with much affection for you babe, because it was something that I wanted to narrate in a form in which the love was as opposed to the words and situations.

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